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Re: a modest proposal - Debian needs more $

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 12:07:21PM -0800, briand@zipcon.net wrote:
| >>>>> "dman" == dman  <dsh8290@rit.edu> writes:
|   dman> | So I pay - then we immediately get into the tar-pit of why should I
|   dman> | pay and no one else does.
|   dman> 'cause you have extra dough to throw around and you want to pay :-)
| That argument doesn't work for very long.  Pretty soon I'm the only
| one paying and nothing gets done.  Then I don't pay anymore.

I suppose one could reflect upon what money is and what it means.  A
few pieces of paper or metal.  The only value it has is the value you
place on it.  It just so happens that many people place a rather high
value on it, and thus it works as an exchange medium.  We all "pay",
though not with cash, when we do something for the project.

| You know - lot of volunteer organizations pay people to have actual
| jobs to support the organization.  It's not clear to me that Debian is
| that much different.

The other non-profit organizations I'm connected with do have paid
full-time staff.  The difference is that those are full-time staff
with no other day job to put food on their plate.  Debian doesn't have
any full-time workers (unless some developer happens to be filthy rich
and decided not to take a day job).  The organizations still rely
solely on donations and don't charge for their services.

| I would like to think that the goal of getting Debian more help is
| one that can be universally agreed on.  The tough part is how to
| fund such a goal.

The tough part is how to break through people's natural greediness and
selfishness :-).

|   dman> | Why not generate that money from CD/ISO/connection sales ?
|   dman> Go ahead!  Charge for connections to your server.  (don't worry, I
|   dman> won't connect to it)
| Precisely the problem.  And what if I said I was donating ALL my
| profits to Debian.  Would you still avoid it ? 

Probably, but it doesn't mean I don't like supporting debian.  In
retrospect, though, consider what "money" is (see above).

| I have many times considered starting to sell Debian CD's for
| exactly this purpose, i.e. funnel money back to Debian.

That would be cool.  Go for it.  I don't even have a cd burner :-(.
|   dman> Debian is an example of how things should be.  People who have give
|   dman> freely, and those who don't have receive.  It all goes 'round because
|   dman> those who have aren't hording it.  The outcome is that everyone "has"
|   dman> in the end.
| I agree - that's the goal and a worthy one it is.
| I guess I'll just write more checks.
| Sorry, you won't be getting one :-)

Aww.  I was so hopeful too ...  ;-).



Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall.
        Proverbs 16:18

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