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Re: Debian Vs RedHat

also sprach Paolo Alexis Falcone <fallenlordx@edsamail.com.ph> [2002.01.11.1802 +0100]:
> Won't say screw RedHat the Co., however. Thankful for them for doing
> much of the pioneering work for the community (and maybe some grata
> for forcibly dragging us in the future like libc6). Sure they do make
> rough cuts most of the time, but just like Alan Cox said, I'd believe
> that if RedHat won't do it, probably, nobody would... (unless proven
> otherwise)

redhat and suse, yes. without them, a lot of the things (like isdn and
many other subsystems) wouldn't be at the state of development that they
are at! my problem with both companies is that they are more and more
giving a flying food about private customers and are more and more being
blinded by money and stepping into the footsteps of micro$oft.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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could be a fatal error.
have a pen handy?

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