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Re: Rendering difference between Galeon and Mozilla

Dominique Deleris <ddeleris@bluewin.ch> writes:

> Hello.
> I've recently (yesterday) installed galeon and mozilla from sid. I'm
> experiencing strange rendering issues with galeon :
> Try to go to http://www.debianplanet.org/debianplanet/ with both
> browsers and feel the difference !!! A lot of other sites behave
> like this.
> I don't understand how this can be, since galeon is based on
> mozilla's engine..?
> Can anybody explain me this?

I'm not sure what you're seeing but, when I first started running galeon
a couple days ago, I noticed a big difference between the way galeon and
mozilla rendered slashcode based sites (slashdot, debianplanet, etc). I
think the way I fixed it was to install libgdkxft0 (which is a
recommended package for mozilla). I also use monotype-arial fonts from
the msttcorefonts package, which looks better than most of the standard
X fonts, IMHO.


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