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Re: cvs : access denied

Lo, on , November 22, franck routier did write:

> Hi,
> I have just installed cvs on my sid box via pat-get install cvs.
> It created that directory in /var/lib/ :
> drwxrwsr-x    4 root     src            30 nov 22 13:29 cvs
> I did :
> adduser myuser src
> But when I try 'cvs -d/var/lib/cvs import myapp mycomp start',
> I get an access denied from cvs, unable to create myapp directory in cvs
> If I do it as root, it works.
> Then, I still can't even checkout as a myuser, since I can't get a lock.
> What's wrong with my setup ?

Your setup looks fine, including the directory perimssions on your CVS
repository.  (As you no doubt read in the manual, that setgid bit is

Did you log out and log back in after you added yourself to the src
group?  Looks like that hasn't taken effect yet: these error conditions
almost always mean you don't have write access to the CVS repository.

(By the way, there are several resources devoted specifically to CVS:
http://www.cvshome.org/, and there's a CVS-specific mailing list at
info-cvs-request@gnu.org.  The newsgroup comp.software.config-mgmt is
also relevant, although it's not limited to CVS.)



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