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Re: Does Netscape cause lockups?

Christoph Simon said:

> resolve. The same is happening with Mozilla, more frequently on
> specially brain-dead sites. Another possible cause, in my case at
> least, might be some secret external influence (bad/irregular
> energy supply, temporary heat, electromagnetic fields, etc.?
> causing
> sometimes even to burn the powersupply of a hub) which I haven't
> been able to identify in a year. So, sorry, this is rather just a

quite possible. i haven't run a machine without a UPS
since 1995. my UPS of choice currently is the low cost,
Cyberpower 900AVR(500watt) runs about $130 on outpost.com
has a good runtime. i have about 9 UPSs in my apt powering
everything from my servers to my monitors to my tv/vcr/tivo
to my cordless phone ..


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