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Re: Sparc Linux?

On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 01:37:35PM -0700, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>   A couple of us are playing with Linux on Sparc.  It's supposed to be 
> rather nice.

It is.

>   We're currently playing with the Suse version because the guy who 
> started this heard the debian version doesn't work on anything better
> than a Clasic very well.

I can't help but wonder where they heard that.  Suse and Debian are both
Linux (yes, I know, we're hurd, too, don't nitpick!) so I don't see how
Linux would work better if Suse's distribution was running on top of it
than if Debian's distribution is running on top of it.

>   Anyone running Potatoe or Woody on a 420/450 or something relatively
> new and powerful?

I have it on a SPARCStation 20 and a couple Ultra 1s, but I don't think
that's quite as modern/powerful as what you have in mind.  Check with
the debian-sparc@lists.debian.org mailing list.

Also note that one of the debian project's primary developer machines
(auric.debian.org) is a dual processor UltraSPARC.  I'm not sure what
model it is, but /proc/cpuinfo indicates that it has these in it:

cpu             : TI UltraSparc II  (BlackBird)
fpu             : UltraSparc II integrated FPU
promlib         : Version 3 Revision 17
prom            : 3.17.0
type            : sun4u
ncpus probed    : 2
ncpus active    : 2
Cpu0Bogo        : 897.84
Cpu2Bogo        : 897.84
MMU Type        : Spitfire
CPU0:           online
CPU2:           online


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