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Re: method POST to php

Ref : Wednesday, October 24, 2001 2:02:23 AM

MC> I am having some difficulty finding what to do to fix this problem.  I
MC> have Apache 1.3.9, PHP4 and Postgresql.  I am trying to POST to a php
MC> document.  Then html form has <Form method="post"
MC> action="validate.php">.  When I submit the information I get a 405
MC> error, Method not Allowed.  

This is more an apache than debian question.

1. checkout /var/log/apache/error_log to see if the problem comes from
a missing (bad directory) validate.php and a (maybe) more precise
error message.

2. in your httpd.conf, check that the site's directory (or the
DocumentRoot) has a line like :
Options +ExecCGI

3. Check that php code is ok for your httpd.conf : you should have
these lines uncommented :
LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

4. if all fails, send me (or the list if it's ok to send such
attachments to the list) the error_log line and your httpd.conf and I
(we) will try to help you further.

Jean-Christophe Boggio                       
cat@thefreecat.org                           -o)
Independant Consultant and Developer         /\\
Delphi, Linux, Perl, PostgreSQL, Debian     _\_V

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