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sound blocking in java

a while back, there was a thread about mozilla starting slowly, and it
was attributed to a poorly-written shockwave plugin which tried to
open the sound device when mozilla started.  this open blocked if
the sound device was being used by something else, and made mozilla's
startup wait until the sound device was free.

since shockwave seems to be written in some java, i looked at the java
plugin to see if it exhibitted the same behavior, and it does.  though
it doesn't block the startup of mozilla, applets (using j2sdk1.3
plugin) block when they try to access the sound device.

should it be java's responsibility to open the sound device in a
nonblocking mode and fall through nicely if the sound device is busy,
or should it be done by the java programmer?

in the case of it being my responsibility to open it non-blocking, how 
would i go about doing that?  is there something i can do to make
AudioClip.play() not block?

on the other hand, if it is the jvm's responsibility to do it, maybe
fixing this will fix the shockwave plugin's misbehavior.

____________________}John Flinchbaugh{______________________
| glynis@hjsoft.com         http://www.hjsoft.com/~glynis/ |
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