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Re: IMAP server?

On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 05:37:44PM +0100, xio wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:09:09PM -0400, Stephen Gran wrote:
> I used to have my SUSE box configured that way.  However I couldn't send
> mails to some mailservers because they refused to accept mails from
> dailup-hosts.
> How do you avoid that problem?
AFAIK, the only reason why an SMTP server will refuse to accept deliver
is if it a) can not resolve your mailname (check /etc/mailname) and
b) if it can not match your host name with your IP (ie it will need
to be able to do a host -a [you.ip.address] and get an address (provided
by your ISP) that will then map back into the same IP.

So long as these two conditions are met (and I'm not even sure if the
second is really necessary), then the mail should be delivered.




Matthew Sackman

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