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Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

Brian Nelson wrote:

> Yeah, those mysterious Debian developers do strange things to the
> source.  Whatever could it be?

Now you're just being snide, which doesn't exactly contribute to the
civility factor of the discussion. Fortunately, I have better sense than
to respond in kind.

The point is, I have other patches from other developers (such as the
ext3 filesystem) that were generated against Linus's kernel source.
There's no guarantee that the patches will work against kernel sources
that have been modified. (Probably they would, most of the time.)

> Hmm, seems to be just a couple fixes to me.  I wouldn't complain...

And how well have those fixes been tested? And if they're so great, why
didn't Linus accept them? The time lag between Linus's release of a new
kernel and the Debian maintainer's release of the same (plus patches)
source is usually only a few days. Not much time for testing.

> For a bunch more:
> zless /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz

Thanks, I'll look at that.


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