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Re: Stop the beeping

"Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:

> Hi there.  I am up-to-date with Debian unstable on an x86 machine.  I
> installed a lot of GNOME junk including Galeon, Nautilus, and Gnumeric.  I
> also installed alsa 0.9.0b7 from sources, including OSS emulation.  Then I
> installed esound.
> My problem is that the machine beeps a lot via the PC Speaker.  For
> example, Sometimes when Galeon opens a new window, it beeps.  Sometimes
> the machine just beeps and I'm not doing anything.  It always beeps when I
> shade/unshade a window.  I have turned off beeping at the console (via
> setterm), and I have enable esound.  I can see it running:
>   261 ?        S      0:00 esd -nobeeps
> jwb@heat:~$ ls -l /proc/261/fd/
> l-wx------    1 jwb      jwb            64 Aug 28 11:27 5 -> /dev/dsp0
> Yet, the damn machine still beeps.  I recall during my lengthy apt-get
> that I was asked whether I had a sound device, and I replied NO because at
> the time, I did not.  How can I reconfigure this?
> Is there a system-wide way to get rid of the system beep?  Perhaps I can
> compile it out of the kernel?
> Please advise me on how to stop this maddening beep before I go nuts.

Hi Jeffrey, I know the feeling. I've had exactly the same problem, and I've found
a solution that works for me. In my case I had not managed to get sound working
with alsa, and each beep co-incided with a new line in ~/.gnome-errors looking
like this:

Window lost focus keymap: panel, (keymap (move-window-interactively 3 .\
67240192) (popup-window-menu 1 . 67240448) (raise-lower-window 1 .\
67240960) (lower-window 65364 . 67174400) (raise-window 65362 . 67174400))

Every new beep resulted in another line very similar to it. The solution for me
was to remove alsa, compile my own kernel with sound support enabled, and then to
get sound working using the modules that come with the kernel.

I read all the help texts in usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound until I found a
set of modules that purported to support my card (Crystal CS4236B-104). After
verifying that the described insmod commands enabled the sound, I then used
modconf to enable the modules automatically upon startup, and rebooted the
machine (just to verify that the boot procedure really enabled sound).

Since then, no more annoying beeps from the PC speaker. This solution assumes
that a) your sound isn't working at present, and b) that you can find a set of
kernel modules that will support your card, so YMMV. As for why this fixed the
problem, your guess is as good as mine.

  // \\
 /(   )\
< hugge >

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