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Re: mount permission problems

>>>>> "P" == P Kirk <patrick@enterprise-hr.com> writes:

    P> #! On Fri, Aug 10, 2001, Bob Koss wrote:
    >> Mounting worked. By repeating the command I assume you meant
    >> 'chown -R sue /mnt/dosE'. If so, that failed as it traversed
    >> the subdirectories of the partition.
    P> ? Its meant to get all the subdirectories.

It doesn't, see below.

    P> As root do this: Make sure the partition /is/ correctly
    P> mounted.  Remenber that FAT doesn't have that many security
    P> options so if its correctly mounted, this should be easy.

mount -t vfat /dev/hda6 /mnt/dosE

options -w or -o rw  don't make any difference.

    P> cd /mnt 
    P> chown sue dosE 
    P> chown -R sue /mnt/dosE/* 

kboom. Operation not permitted. Repeated again and again and again for 
each file on that partition.

    P> chmod 777 dosE
    P> chmod 777 dose/*

Another kboom.

    P> Now unless dosE is on another machine which is setting
    P> permissions that cannot be overwritten, Sue will be able to
    P> read and write to /mnt/dosE.

The mount line shown above shows that it is a fat16 partition on the
local machine.


Robert Koss, Ph.D.     | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant      | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java
www.objectmentor.com   | Extreme Programming

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