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Re: Folders in Mutt

Sam Varghese muttered:
> I'd like to have a few folders into which I can
> move mail after reading but if the mail supposed to
> go there does so automatically I wouldn't mind either.
- My system is essentially single user, right now I'm only checking one 
POP3 account for incoming mail. I use exim to forward local mail to my
user account (root, webmaster, etc. all go to my Linux username) and to 
send outgoing mail to my ISP's SMTP server. 

- Fetchmail gets my POP3 mail, here are the files I had to set up:

# ~/.fetchmailrc these settings mean that when I log in as username,
# I can just type 'fetchmail' to poll my pop3 account.
poll pop3server.myisp.com proto pop3 user "pmackinney" is "username"
# end of file

# /etc/cron.d/fetchmail: crontab fragment for fetchmail
# Run queue every 15 minutes
08,23,38,53 *     * * *     username   /usr/bin/fetchmail
# end of file

Because of exim & fetchmail, I don't check mail with mutt directly at
all, it's just a reader. The 'c' command to change mbox will
default to the next mbox that has mail, the list of mboxes that it
checks are set up in your muttrc file. I was able to edit this file 
and do all kinds of neat stuff:

- Here's the .forward file that sorts my incoming mail before I see it. 
I got the example from someone else on this list. THANKS! 

# Exim filter  <<make sure your .forward file starts like this!
if error_message then
elif $h_Resent-Sender: contains "debian" then
	save $home/Mail/deb.inbox
elif $h_From: contains "root@hostname" then
	save $home/Mail/admin
elif $h_List-Id: contains "Bay Area Debian" then
	save $home/Mail/bad.inbox
elif $h_Reply-To: contains "linux-beta" then
    save $home/Mail/rcl.inbox
	save $home/Mail/inbox
# end of file

- Nothing ever gets put in my /var/spool/mail/username mbox file, it 
all gets diverted to one of the mboxes listed. The only bummer is that my
mailcheck at login always says "no mail..." because I haven't booked 
up on the consequences of hacking my MAIL_DIR variable or the default
login behavior. I've considered replacing /var/spool/mail/username
with a symlink to ~/Mail/inbox, but since it ain't broken...

 HTH, Paul

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