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Re: Thin-X-Client-Laptop

At 12:27 p.m. 11/07/01 +0200, Schoppitsch Dieter wrote:

I want to run X-Applications on my (old) laptop (486; Debian 2.0) while connected (via PLIP) to the Server (Pentium, Suse 7.1).

On the laptop I installed the X-server - that means - I am able to move the mouse-cursor on the screen only (no menues, no window).
On the server I installed the whole X-stuff (KDE, applications).
In textmode I am able to ping and telnet the server.
While you can use it this way, I'd recomend you to use a small window manager (blackbox is really fast and good), and start remote apps from a ssh terminal, or a telnet.
open an xterm (or whatever flavor you like)
xhost + (this is easy, but INSECURE, check xhost docs, can also be xhost +otherbox)
ssh -X otherbox (or telnet otherbox)
then you should be ready to run apps on the other macchine try
xterm & (the '&' detachs the process from the console, try without it to see what happens), the xterm should open on your other machine and display on your laptop
if you have any problem try (after telnet or ssh) export DISPLAY=laptop:0.0

BTW: Is there any chance for a lowmem.bin for Debian 2.2?

You can use top, ps to see what process are running, I'd advice you to recompile the kernel with minimum needed, and take out any process/daemon you don't really need, By that I got a debian web server with a 586 120Mhz, wich is idle most of the time, and only uses 500MB of disk space

have fun

Thanks in advance for any help and greetings from Vienna

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