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fetchmail: socket error while fetching

How to use fetchmail to connect to IMAP on a remote host while going
through a SOCKS proxy server (proxy.lafn.org:1080).

There were no matches in the Debian Mailing List Archive Search for:
  "socket error while fetching"

Looking at the FAQ:
  "K1. How can I use fetchmail with SOCKS?"
led me to compile fetchmail with "--with-socks":

 - uncommented deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list
 - ``apt-get update''
 - ``apt-get source fetchmail''
 - unbundled sources
 - unzipped diff file
 - ``patch -p1 <fetchmail_5.3.3-1.1.diff''
 - ``./configure --with-socks''
 - ``make''
 - ``make-install''

Configure won't work with "--with-socks5".  That option is mentioned
in K1 of the FAQ: "Alan Schmitt has added a similar --with-socks5
option that may work better if you have a recent version of the SOCKS

This is what happens:
 # fetchmail -v -a -k 
 fetchmail: 5.3.3 querying mail.marxists.org (protocol IMAP) at Sat, 07 Jul 2001 16:22:46 -0700 (PDT)
 fetchmail: running ssh -l rcymbala %h /usr/sbin/imapd mail.marxists.org 143
 fetchmail: execl(ssh -l rcymbala %h /usr/sbin/imapd) failed
 fetchmail: socket error while fetching from mail.marxists.org
 fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
 fetchmail: normal termination, status 2

...using this .fetchmailrc:
 poll mail.marxists.org with proto IMAP
 	plugin "ssh -l rcymbala %h /usr/sbin/imapd"
 	user "rcymbala" there with password "password"
 	is cymbala here options keep

The plugin command works outside the context of fetchmail:
 # ssh -l rcymbala mail.marxists.org /usr/sbin/imapd
 rcymbala@mail.marxists.org's password: 
 * PREAUTH [] IMAP4rev1 v12.264 server ready

Maybe that 143 in the "running" line is wrong?  I'm guessing (in fact,
maybe I compiled it wrong, since that was really the first time I've
tried to compile a program after about 3 years of Debian use).

The Debian installation should be fine, after a fresh installation of
2.2r3 a few days ago (plus about 5 package upgrades with

And finally, some details on the remote host:

Help! and thanks,
-Rob Cymbala

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