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Re: 486 router is very slow

>    Just a few random checks that come to mind:
>  * what is the chip controlling the serial port to the ISDN modem? Is it
> an 8250 or a 16650? I seem to remember that the 8250 were not very good
> but I don't remember when they stopped using them.
>  * check the serial port configuration. What is its baud rate?
>  * what is the CPU usage? To see if it's really CPU bound? Do the
> system/user values look odd?

I have an ISDN TA.

It seems that my serial is set up with 115200 bps
I need due several routing reasons 2.4 kernel. so toms and so on isn't well
for me. i run un upgraded potato

I have 8 MB ram 25 MB swap... do need more swap?

Raffaele Sandrini <rasa@gmx.ch>
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Raffaele Sandrini <rasa@gmx.ch>
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