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Re: RAM economy tips

On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 05:11:14PM +0200, Robert Voigt wrote:
> In theory, this is fine. But on my system (512 MB RAM) it's not always like 
> that. After a few hours of work with a lot of opening apps and documents and 
> images, it dips into swap, and it does that even when I close most apps. So 
> before I can continue working I have to reboot. This shouldn't be necessary. 
> Is it because I have a 'pre' kernel? I wondered why they made the 2.2.18pre21 
> the default kernel for potato when they otherwise put software in it that are 
> sometimes not usable because they're so ancient.

If someone told you that apps never die in linux, they lied.

HOWEVER, the kernel is usally rock solid (with notable
exceptions), and the wealth of process control programs makes it
usually quite painless to LART misbehaving apps into the ground.

Try this next time it happens:

    ps --sort -rss -eo pid,rss,comm |head

John Lenton (john@grulic.org.ar) -- Random fortune:
BOFH excuse #31:

cellular telephone interference

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