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Re: no keyboard with 2.4.1 on Powermac

On Sun, Feb 11, 2001 at 01:39:57PM +0100, Sebastiaan wrote:

note you will get more powerpc experts on
debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org then on debian-user.

> Hello,
> I am trying to compile kernel 2.4.1 on a PowerMac 7300, but I get the following
> errors, all related to the keyboard. It is a standard ADB keyboard and I enabled all
> kernel options related to this. I have installed modutils 2.4.2.

first where did you get the 2.4.1 source?  the mainline 2.4 tree on
ftp.kernel.org is totally broken on powerpc.  you will for now have to
use the forked rsync trees which you can find on http://penguinppc.org

2.4.2pre2 is closer but still broken on powerpc.  maybe 2.4.5...

> I can edit the files and add a line
> in drivers/input/keybdev.c (which seems to be a logical 'hack').

i don't think this is the right solution...

> But examining arch/ppc/kernel/pmac_setup.c, I can not solve the errors that easily, so
> I comment the lines out and give equations the value 0.
> This makes the kernel compile succesfully, but after I booted up, the keyboard
> (suprise!) does not work.

i had this problem when upgrading to 2.2.18 which has the new input
layer.  the problem is you need to enable the right combination of the
new event layer, input layer and HID layer.  on 2.2 you also need to
disable the old adb drivers, save the config, and re make
config|menuconfig to find the new adb drivers to show up.  (the kernel
config system is crap)  you must enable the new adb hid drivers for
both mouse and keyboard or you get unresolved symbols.  

> I have not found any patch for this. Is this a bug and should I submit it (and to
> where: to Debian?), or is this due to my own clumsyness and ignorance?

i think your kernel config is still messed up.  on powerpc the config
depenencies are not setup right so its possible to configure your
kernel in such a way that it does not compile.  2.4 is also rather a
mess on powerpc.  

recheck your .config and if you still don't get it going send it to

Ethan Benson

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