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Three Stupid X Questions...

Running Woody, X 4.0.1, and the Nvidia .95 drivers.  The first problem is 
that /etc/X11/Xsession doesn't seem to get sourced during manual startx 
logins.  I would like to throw a few things in there (xscreensaver, etc.).  
It does get sourced when using a login manager.  Any personal xsession or 
xresources files also never seem to be read.  I do have 
"allow-user-resources" and "allow-user-xsession" in my Xsession.options file.

My next question is coincidentally about login managers.  If I use kdm or wdm 
I am not allowed to su to root and launch anything.  I get a connection 
refuesed by server error.  I am sure this is probably a one word edit in a 
config but I am just not sure _which_ config.  Any hints?  GDM doesn't have 
this problem but when I try to luanch anything besides a gnome session it 
flashes a couple of times and returns me to the login.

My third problem involves gtk themes, basically I can't use any.  I get a 
warning about  "libpixmap.so."  I thought that maybe I could just add it to 
my modules to load in my XF86Config-4 file but that didn't seem to work.

All of this automagically worked before, but a new hd was required, so I'm 
starting all over again :-).



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