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Re: Three Stupid X Questions...

John Travis wrote:
  >Running Woody, X 4.0.1, and the Nvidia .95 drivers.  The first problem is 
  >that /etc/X11/Xsession doesn't seem to get sourced during manual startx 
  >logins.  I would like to throw a few things in there (xscreensaver, etc.).  
  >It does get sourced when using a login manager.  Any personal xsession or 
  >xresources files also never seem to be read.  I do have 
  >"allow-user-resources" and "allow-user-xsession" in my Xsession.options file
Xsession is read by xdm, gdm, kdm but not by startx, which uses
xinit/xinitrc instead.  On X version 4, xinitrc actually runs Xsession
but I suppose this may not be so on older versions.

In addition, if you have local definitions, ~/.xinitrc is used by startx
and .xsession by xdm and the rest.  Again, X version 4 seems to have
amalgamated these, but it was traditional for the 2 files to be linked.
If you have a local setup, the system one is probably not used.

The easiest way to check is to put trace prints into all the possible
files (echo _filename_ >>/tmp/startx.log) and see which ones get called.

  >My next question is coincidentally about login managers.  If I use kdm or wd
  >I am not allowed to su to root and launch anything.  I get a connection 
  >refuesed by server error.  I am sure this is probably a one word edit in a 
  >config but I am just not sure _which_ config.  Any hints?  GDM doesn't have 
  >this problem but when I try to luanch anything besides a gnome session it 
  >flashes a couple of times and returns me to the login.

If you do su, you become a different user and you need authority to
access your X display.  The easiest way to do this is to put
   export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority
in your .xsession or .xinitrc file.  (It must be exported, or it won't
propogate into your su session.)  Since root can read any file, it will
be able to read your .Xauthority and use it to gain access.
Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
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     "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that 
      ye should obey it in the lusts thereof."            
                                   Romans 6:12 

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