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Re: Opera web browser

[2000-12-07] Digital Overdrive wrote:
> But see the URL first because there are 2 versions (and why does
> Netscape load the .deb instead of downloading it automaticly ?)

Because uunetnl.linux.tucows.com is setup to serve .deb as the mime-type
text/plain - and your browser is set-up to display text/plain.

The tucows site could add the following to their httpd mime.types
   application/x-debian-package    deb

(someone should probably track down who to tell about this, if tucows
 serves a lot of .debs)

Or you could add the following to ~/.mime.types (netscape) :
   type="application/x-debian-package" desc="Debian Package" exts="deb"

Or alternatively try:
wget http://uunetnl.linux.tucows.com/files/opera-static_4.0-0beta3_i386.deb

Lee Maguire <lee@hexkey.co.uk> "traveling at the speed of time"

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