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Re: Oracle bI 2nd request

Stan Brown wrote:
>         I posted yesterday, and unfortunately, have recieved no replies.
>         I have a fresh potato install, and wish to install Oracle 8I on it.
>         Most of the information I have is for RedGAt.
>         has anyone made this work on Debian? If so, whatr do I need to use
>         this, other than the base install with working X & Gnome?
>         For instance I am totaly unfamiliar with Java, yet I know the Oracle
>         installer is Java based. What packages do I need to add to allow this
>         to work?

The current 8i (8.1.6) distribution has the necessary Java JDK bundled
with it. If you have an earlier version, you should get the current one.
You should join the Oracle Technology Network (it's free); there are
lots of resources there including discussion groups that will answer all
your questions. See http://technet.oracle.com/

>         Also Oracle seems to recomend a minimum of 128M RAM. I really am not
>         building a production machine, and I have Oracle runing on HP PA=RUSC
>         boxes with this amount of RAM. Surely I can't really need that much for
>         just a small test instance?

The installer checks your memory and aborts if there's not enough. And
128MB is what you need free *after* your system loads, not just the
total physical RAM on your machine. So in fact, you need more than that.

If you're just experimenting, you should consider Postgres. It is free
(as opposed to Oracle which will cost you *big bucks* to deploy a
system) and is a great RDBMS. And it has been debianized so installing
it is effortless.



>         Anyone who has this working, I would love to hear from you.
>         Thanks.
> --
> Stan Brown     stanb@awod.com                                    843-745-3154
> Charleston SC.
> --
> Windows 98: n.
>         useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
>         a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
>         originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit
>         company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
> -
> (c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
> --
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