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Re: cron, syslogd, klogd died

>>>>> "CF" == C Falconer <criggie@ihug.co.nz> writes:

    CF> I have this problem periodically on a P133 with a slightly
    CF> screwey scsi root disk.  It will mount / read-only, then many
    CF> processes die due to being unable to write to disk.

Hmm....this _is_ a scsi drive, but it has not shown any signs of
screwiness [knock on wood]. Would '$ mount' show / as mounted

    CF> The sign is that / is mounted read-only, and that syslogd
    CF> (which is still running) says scarf kernel: Last message
    CF> repeated 120000(ish) times every 62ish seconds.

The syslogd log shows nothing like that: at a certain point it just
stops, of course on the same date that the locatedb was last updated,
and then it resumes the day I rebooted. Where, or should I ask how,
would one see the 'last message reapeated 4eva' messages?

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA

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