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Re: 2.2: MBR install whacks my system boot

Paul D Smith <pausmith@nortelnetworks.com> writes:
PDS> Now when I boot the system it prints "MBR", then does a hard hang.  I
PDS> can't even C-A-D or use the reset button, I have to power off/on.
PDS> If I hold the SHIFT key down, it prints "MBR 2AF", then does the same
PDS> hard hang.
PDS> I can boot off of my boot floppy and it comes up OK, though.

Hmm.  Some things to think about trying:

-- At the "2AF:" prompt, does pressing "2" have any effect?
-- Does pressing "A", then "1" at the resulting "1234F:" prompt?  (It
   should boot off the FAT16 partition on /dev/sda1, presumably
   getting you DOS of some sort.)
-- Does pressing "F" there boot the floppy successfully?

(Hey, this is everything the Debian MBR does, it couldn't hurt to
check that it works.  :-)

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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