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Re: KDE 2.0 for potato: no Packages file, no libmng?

> 	I downloaded the new KDE 2.0 packages for potato last night
> from the mirror at sourceforge.net <http://ftp.sourceforge.net/pub/mirrors/kde/stable/2.0/distribution/deb/Debian/dists/potato>.
> There are no Packages files there, but I managed to generate some
> using dpkg-scanpackages(8).  Much to my chagrin, after getting that
> working, most of the new KDE 2.0 packages for potato seem to depend
> on libmng, which isn't included in the KDE stuff at sourceforge.net.
> There's a version for woody, but it depends on a newer version of libc6.

I did not put a Packages file on the KDE mirrors as I don't want people
to rely on them. :)  In the past (KDE 1.x) I had a nightmare keeping them
up to date..or just fixing stuff so I (even though they have a new method
for packages to maintain stuff) decided to just convince people to use
the kde.tdyc.com site (and it's mirrors) as the only place to go.  Thus
the README which should reside on those KDE mirrors. (it better be there)

and..so...I continue below...

> 	Any suggestions?  Perhaps I just need to wait a bit for things
> to settle down.  Or should I be looking somewhere else?  Either way,
> I'm happy to help somehow, or be patient if that's all I need to do. :)
> Thanks...

as you can see my first problem with this was the fact that I forgot to
upload libmng. :)  I uploaded it later and am not sure if it was updated.

Please use the following apt line to grab your stuff...

deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato kde2


Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

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