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Re: Two questions: Security and mouse

On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 08:58:36AM -0600, Ray Percival wrote:
> Hi all,

> I have a Intellimouse (I know I know I bought it before I knew the
> one true way) In any case I can get it to work right as a ps2 mouse
> but using xf86setup I can not get it to work right as an
> intellimouse. It will jump around and not work at all when I choose
> intellimouse. Any thoughts on what I need to change to fix
> this. Also has anyone tried running Bastille Linux on a 2.2 system?
> According to their webpage it should work. Just wondering if anyone
> has had good luck doing it. Thanks much, Ray

please wrap lines at around 72 characters.

others have answered your mouse question.  as to Bastille, it is made
for redhat systems and is not necessary on Debian.  running it on
Debian will likely break things so don't do it.

iirc the main thing it does it turn off services, which should be off
already if you didn't install them (if you did just apt-get remove
them) you can also easily comment anything in inetd.conf you don't
need.  other then that bastille changes a bunch of permissions
incorrectly and unecessarily (why chmod 700 /usr/sbin/adduser ? its
not suid!) 

Ethan Benson

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