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Re: Weird spontaneous X (GNOME?) shutdowns...

>>>>> "Francesco" == Francesco Bochicchio <fbochicchio@galactica.it> writes:

    Francesco> On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 01:27:43PM +0200, "Jürgen A. Erhard" wrote:
    >> The only thing in syslog is a
    >> gnome-name-server[500]: input condition is: 0x10, exiting
    >> that seems to be at about the time X shuts down.

    Francesco> Yep, but this is an effect, not the cause of X crash.
    Francesco> I just looked in the c funcion that generates this
    Francesco> message
    Francesco> (gnome-libs-1.2.1/libgnorba/gnome-name-server.c), and
    Francesco> it seems that this message when the connection with X
    Francesco> is lost.  Then : the X server crasheed/exited/whatever
    Francesco> and because of this GNOME issued the message.

Thanks for checking...

[... (system desc ellided)]

    Francesco> From what you said and what I read in another reply to
    Francesco> this post, it looks like it is happening when your
    Francesco> laptop is idle for some time. This suggests two
    Francesco> possible reasons (just guesses, anyway):

    Francesco> - the screen saver : check if it is enabled. Try to run it and see
    Francesco>   what happen. Try disabling it.

Tried it (set timeout to 1 minute in the GNOME CC).  Didn't shut down...

    Francesco> - APM : check if it is enabled. Try to suspend/resume
    Francesco>   the laptop and see what happens. Try disabling it.

Gotta check that... but I can't right now as I don't have a fallback
machine in case my laptop should hang.

I did have weird effects with APM in the past.  Like I got my laptop
set so it only switches of the display when I close it, which
(reproducibly) causes it to show a pure-white screen when I open it
again.  Gotta vts from a remote machine (IIRC) to get it back to

    Francesco> Ciao.
    Francesco> -- 
    Francesco> FB

I your father's name's not Francesco, you're Francesco Bochicchio I
(the first), right?  Then you could make that FBI ;-)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard    juergen.erhard@gmx.net   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
          My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
           "Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book;
           inside of a dog, it's very dark." --  Groucho Marx

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