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Re: kde or gnome?

>>>>> "Joachim" == Joachim Trinkwitz <jtr@uni-bonn.de> writes:

itz> window manager, and at present the only window manager with full
itz> support for Gnome seems to be Enlightenment, AKA `E'.

Joachim> That's nonsense, many window managers have Gnome support now,
Joachim> e.g. icewm-gnome, wmaker, sawfish-gnome.

Joachim> Most integrated in Gnome is sawfish, which is configurable
Joachim> through the Gnome control center. Sawfish seems to be quite
Joachim> so lightweight; please try it out.

Read the quote again.  I wrote "the only wm with _full_ support" etc.
If sawfish is "Most integrated", the others are necessarily "less
integrated", or not?  I don't want the wm and the desktop to step over
each other, and that's precisely what happens with wmaker when the
wmaker frills and the desktop frills overlap.

I did omit to mention sawfish, for which I apologize.

Another point is that I want to use the debianized versions of things
where possible, and I think that's what the original question was
about, too.  I am sure many of the wm's have better Gnome support now
in their bleeding edge versions, but I will not use them.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

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