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-dev dependencies when building debs from source?


 I have built console-apt and gnome-apt from source here, because I
 needed the debs (and that seemed much easier to me than browsing
 ftp.debian.org -- besides that, I like to compile things... :)

 Anyway... I found that apt doesn't seem to know about dependencies
 related to -dev packages... The build of console-apt failed once, and
 that of gnome-apt failed twice, I think, because of these
 dependencies. And all I had were missing header files, so I had to
 guess in which -dev packages they would be. (It wasn't difficult this
 time, but I remember having some difficulties in the past with some
 other package).

 Anyway... Did I miss something? Is there a way to know what these
 dependencies are, or do we have to guess? I thought that, at least
 when called when the -b option, apt should download the -dev ffiles
 that I needed...

 (I understand that if this is really the way it works, it may be a
  lot of work to change it, since information aboit building
  dependencies would have to be added to packages)


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
mailto:jeronimo@ic.unicamp.br    mailto:pellegrini@iname.com

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