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Re: FTP trought firewall (inverse)

Ethan Benson wrote:

> heh, i have gotten into a flamewar several times with someone i know
> in irc conversations about the merits of scp over ftp, the problem is
> he is a MacOS user who maintaines web sites, he uses a MacOS ftp
> program called Anarchie to upload the site.  he refuses to consider
> using scp instead since it is not `drag and drop' there are also pesky
> windows lusers who use basically the same excuse.  trying to force scp
> on these people would result in a lynching of the sysadmin ;-)

yeah, pretty screwed up. Most people don't realize the value of security
until they are running a server and that server gets cracked.(happened
to me in ~1998, i woke up
pretty fast :)) ) There is a SCP d&d front end for win* from
www.vandyke.com BUT it only supports SSH2 for some reason:( not sure why

> so the way i see it we as sysadmins are not going to be able to kill
> and bury ftp until there is a sftp implementation that is Free
> (speech) and the popular ftp clients support that protocol (read
> Anarchie on MacOS and whatever it is Win* lusers insist on)

yeah, also must do away with generic POP3, IMAP4, telnet, rlogin, etc
..i run a small isp with a couple hundred users and i hate having to
allow them to login from remote(managed modem) to their POP3/ftp
accounts..scares me:< i installed IMAP4/SSL for those of whom wanted to
access email securely. Of course UWIMAP4 is compiled with stackgaurd,
and firewalled from everything except localhost, then have sslwrap
listen on the imaps port and run a connection to localhost imap4, works
real good(with netscape even). 

> /me who wants the OpenBSD guys to add a fourth grave for ftp to the
> OpenSSH t-shirt.

and all the other cleartext protocols..of course if we ditch all of em
it will make diagnostics much harder! sigh..cant win.

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