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Re: compose key in console?

cjw44@flatline.org.uk (Colin Watson) writes:

> Paul Seelig <pseelig@mail.Uni-Mainz.de> wrote:
> >How can one configure the compose key under the console?
[ ... ]
> After that, the best way I know of to modify the console keymap is to
> look in /usr/share/keymaps for your default keymap; mine's in
> /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gz. Edit that (gunzipping first
> and re-gzipping at the end if necessary; my editor (vim) does that for
> me), and put an appropriate line at the end. For me the extra line is
> 'keycode 127 = Compose'.
> Finally, use /usr/sbin/kbdconfig to install and load the modified
> keymap.
Ahem, IMHO that's at best an approach worthy only on a Slackware
system.  Sure, it would probably work fine, but it's not really an
elegant solution which would fit into a Debian system.  I'd never
touch anything outside of /etc, /root and $HOME on a Debian box.  But
thanks anyway.  I would probably have done this if there wouldn't be a
cleaner solution.

A far cleaner solution has been mailed to me by Hartmut Figge, who
proposed the following:

------- snip -----------
put in ~/.bash_profile:
loadkeys ~/.keymap &> /dev/null

contents of ~/.keymap:
shift keycode 100 = Compose
altgr keycode 42 = Compose
------- snip -----------

This works perfectly and one could probably easily define it with
another keymapping.  I've put this into /etc/profile to allow for a
systemwide configuration without bothering other users about it.

> Of course, none of this works under X :(, so you'll need to find an XKB
> guru who knows how to do that ...
That's actually easy.  The standard for the compose key under X11R6.3
and upwards is "shift altgr", at least on a german non-Win9x keyboard.

I wonder why there is no default compose key setting for the console
in Debian which matches the one from X11 as demonstrated above?

Yes, i'll CC this message to the Debian kbd package maintainer.  Maybe
something like the above scheme could be integrated into the kbd
                              Thank you all, P. *8^)
   ------------ Paul Seelig <pseelig@mail.uni-mainz.de> -------------
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   ------------------- http://ntama.uni-mainz.de --------------------

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