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Re: email program for newbie

marshall paul wrote:

        I have been plodding through the Debian woods, taking one thing at a
time and eventually getting small successes.  However, I am tired and
would like to set up email for a dialup single user machine.  Would
someone recommend a mail program to start out with?  (There is just a
bewildering amount of variety when one is new to Linux and it has taken
_weeks_ to configure X.  OK, I can surf, now, but I want email, too.)



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For a good text-based mail client, try mutt.

For something more familiar to former users of Windows (albeit buggy), try Netscape Messenger. Or install Mozilla; it's getting close to usable and will be mostly familiar to users of Netscape.

This is assuming that all you need is an email client, which is probably the case if you've already got dial-up working.

Of course, as you say, there's lots of variety out there, but one of these three will probably do you for now.

Kent West
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