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Re: (xterm or rxvt) and VIM

While answering this message, I discovered that XTerm (which I hardly use)
did not understand the Home and End keys, and backspaced for both Backspace
and Delete! Turns out I had not 'potatoed' xterm and rxvt... :)

'Course, now XTerm is white BG and light grey text. Hmm. Ahh. 
/etc/X11/Xresources/xterm. Much better.

On Sun, Jun 11, 2000 at 12:42:48AM +0200, Viktor Rosenfeld was only 
   escaped alone to tell thee:

> Anyway, while the online help is really great it leaves me with a problem:
> I use VIM in a KDE konsole window which sets TERM to xterm.  However, in
> Debian the termcap entry for xterm doesn't support colors. 

Is this a KDE problem? Does KDE use termcap and not terminfo? Termcap very
likely does not support color; a termcap.gz is in /usr/share/doc, but Debian
doesn't use it; it's just there for reference.  My xterm/rxvt work great,
2.1 and 2.2. I'm composing this mail in vim 5.6 under xterm 3.3.6-7 and the
highlighting works fine. In HTML the links are underlined, yadda yadda.

In fact, let me say that Branden Robinson may be the Debian Developer in
Most Dire Need of a Quaalude I've Ever Read, but his XF86 .deb's kick ass.
Should I take a (DeadRat) friend's advice and try hand-installing X 4.0, I 
will preserve Robinson's X dirs and try to configure 4.0 as he would.

> [1] I do not use the GUI, because a) I don't need the menus, b) the color
> highlighting for a dark background is much better than for a light
> background, and c) the Athena widget set just looks painfully pathetic --
> at least to my eyes.

The GVim buttons aren't pretty, but most of GVim looks like Vim anyway, so
you won't know the difference. GVim also has has great X support. Especially 
when you specify in ~/.gvimrc :

if version >= 500
  syntax on

set guifont=10x20
hi Normal guibg=black guifg=grey

^^^^^ That last line should help considerably.

i'm determined to stand, whether god  |=|  bedlam@concentric.net
will deliver me or not. -- bob dylan  |=|  www.cris.com/~bedlam

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