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Re: no wonder...

Once upon a time, I heard dmacdoug@hsc.usc.edu say

> Another thing that would be very helpful (and perhaps it exists and I
> just have not yet found it) would be an easy way to just back up to
> where one was a moment before, but not all the way to the beginning. 
> So, say you see a package on the list that you think you might like to
> install, and so you hit the + key.  Then you find that it requires
> about 300 other packages that you don't have installed, and some of
> them conflict with others that you do have installed and are more
> important to you than this new one that you just decided to try.  What
> you would like would be a sort of a back button or an undo that would
> just back-step one step at a time.
just "X" when the confict screen appear :), Other options is "Q"

| Chanop Silpa-Anan                          <chanop@writeme.com>             |
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