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Re: Install with dpkg only.

Ringo De Smet <Ringo.DeSmet@advalvas.be> writes:
> I have an empty harddisk installed, and I want to installing Debian
> packages to create a working Debian system. I have unpacked the dpkg
> package (ar -x and then tar xfz data.tar.gz) on my working RedHat
> system. I now want to install packages using 
> dpkg -i --root=/mnt/debianroot <package>
> However, most of the packages fail at some point in the preinstall or
> postinstall scripts. For example, the post-install script of dpkg-doc
> can't find the script/program 'install-docs'. It also looks like the
> paths used in the script do not take the relocation into account. Am I
> wrong on this?
> I transferred everything in frozen/admin, frozen/base, any dependent
> packages, a lot of doc packages and some other tools from additional
> categories. Can anyone tell me what other packages I have to extract
> tools from to get the package installation going?

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but if I were in this
situation I'd try to just "tar xzf base2_2.tgz" with base2_2.tgz being
available in main/disks-i386/current. That contains a complete base
install of Debian and I don't think there's any setup of it required.


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