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In a stressful time like freeze, it is really aggravating to deal with the
nonstop trickle of people who tell me that because *THEIR* system is
broken, I need to add a DEPENDENCY on xfonts-base to all the X servers, or
to xserver-common.

This is WRONG.  Utterly, completely, and totally WRONG.

There's more than one way the get font services to the X server.
Installing fonts locally is only one of them.

If anybody has any suggestions that would get this fact through cluebies'
thick skulls that doesn't:
  1) require me to dick with the package interrelationships
  2) isn't documentation, since the people who report this "problem" can't
     be bothered to read any (the Debian X FAQ, the xserver-common package
  3) will not inconvenience users who already know what's going on, or
     understand the concept of a font server
I'd very much appreciate hearing these suggestions.  Please DON'T send them
directly to me; send them to debian-x@lists.debian.org instead so they can
be considered and discussed by a number of people.

People who don't have a handle on the issues involved need not reply to
this message.  I'm looking for suggestions from people who know what
they're talking about, and who understand that Debian is a distribution
that refuses to compromise its flexibity for the sake of less-knowledgeable
users.  We need intelligent solutions that hold the newbie's hand without
hamstringing the wizard.

Thanks in advance for any intelligent suggestions.

I'm Cc'ing the xviddetect package maintainer because there may be a way to
work a question about font services into anXious (this is the X-configuring
component of the new install system for potato).  If the user doesn't
understand the question, then we should default to piling fonts on his
machine.  The penalty for ignorance is reduced free space on the drive.  :)

N.B.: I am no longer subscribed to debian-user, so I will not see messages
posted only to this list.

G. Branden Robinson            |    The only way to get rid of a temptation
Debian GNU/Linux               |    is to yield to it.
branden@ecn.purdue.edu         |    -- Oscar Wilde
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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