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Re: Newbie mistakes

On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 09:04:39PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> I also disable gdm and xdm by deleting the corresponding [SK][0-9][0-9]gdm
> files from /etc/rc.d/  You can leave the /etc/init.d scripts alone.
> Alternatively, you can run:
>     /etc/init.d/gdm stop
> ...and/or whatever is equivalent for your X display manager, to stop the
> login screen.  This kills the X session on display 0.

If you don't want to use xdm (or gdm, or whatever display manager) you
can just uninstall the corresponding package. Although, for slink you
may not be able to remove xdm; i haven't used slink in a while and i
don't remember if it's a separate package there.

If you just don't want it started at boot, but you want it available for
"/etc/init.d/xdm start", i'd recommend moving the /etc/rc?.d/S99xdm
links to K01xdm. Removing them will cause you trouble: if you remove
them all then next time the package is upgraded they'll be put back, and
if you leave some but not others you'll get inconsistent behavior when
changing runlevels. As a side note, you can have xdm start only in
certain runlevels by leaving some as S99xdm and others as K01xdm. man
telinit for more info on runlevels.

There's also a Debian tool to help manage the above. For example, to
have xdm start in runlevels 4 and 5 only, you'd do the following as
  update-rc.d -f xdm remove
  update-rc.d xdm start 99 4 5 . stop 01 0 1 2 3 6 .

In case you're curious, the 99 in S99 tells init to start xdm last of
everything, and the 01 in K01 tells it to kill it first. This is usually
what you want for xdm.

If you want xdm running but don't want it to manage any local displays
(you probably don't want this, but some do), you can edit the
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file and comment out any lines that start local

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