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Re: KDE stuff under other desktops (and desktop recommendations)

On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Guyren G Howe wrote:

guyren >I've found that I can fire up the file browser by executing CorelExplorer.
guyren >But it lets me look at files but not, for example, open them.

I believe corel hacked up KDE 1.1.2 and included some KDE 2 stuff in it so
file associations worked..dont know if you can open them by "clicking" on
htem or not ..i would doubt it, corel didnt seem to go through much
trouble to make sure anything else but kde worked the way they wanted it

guyren >And I cannot, for the life of me, work out where to find all the little KDE
guyren >things I was using.

if your talking about the KDE apps in the "K" menu, view the properties of
the entries in the K menu, they are usually stored in
/usr/share/kde/applnk corel may have it somewhere else though.

guyren >So: how do I go about getting them to run under Afterstep.

if your runnig corel chances are you probably have to make your own
menu. debian's packages come with a script that automatically adds them to
the default menus of all the window managers.

guyren >And also, I was hoping that those who have tried a bunch of different
guyren >desktops would summarise why you settled on the desktop you prefer.
guyren >Advantages and disadvantages of the varoius desktops you've tried.

fvwm95 - simple, small lightweight WM, good for machines with low(but not
real low) memory

E - thick, big, pretty WM, ive seen it consume up to 230MB of memory on
this SuSE 6.3 box next to me though(forgot which version it has installed)

KDE - nice integrated desktop, somewhat stable, kind of slow, memory
hog/resource hog as well.

GNOME - havent had much experience with this one, but it looks like KDE
with more features, i'd think its less stable as its a younger system then
KDE by about a year, but i can't say for certain

4DWm - typically available on SGI/IRIX machines this X desktop is pretty
bland, but it gets the job done..barely

afterstep - my desktop of choice, the window management in afterstep is
incredible, i love how it behaves, you can drag windows behind other
windows without bringing them foreward, you can drag windows to other
desktops, you can instantly send a window to another desktop, you can
minimize to the title bar(like the mac, never thought id use that feature
when i saw it on the mac but i use it often now) and its VERY stable, im
running the latest stable distribution of it(self compiled) the dock is
great too lots of useful system monitoring utilities.  i really didn't
like how KDE handled multiple desktops, e.g. when you move the mouse to
the edge of the screen it ends up on the edge of the next screen, causing
(me at least) to be switching 3-4 desktops before i see whats going on,
there is an option to center the cursor when the desktop changes but that
throws me off for a second too.

i was a beta tester for corel and wasnt all that impressed with it..had
some nice features...good for newbies i guess id never really use it
though. nice of them to send me a free copy of deluxe though.


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