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Re: Few problems

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On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 12:35:41AM +0000, Jonathan Perkin wrote:
> Hey folk,
> Just a few bugs/errors/general queries I've noticed in recent weeks:
> Upgrading to potato doesn't seem to add /dev/pts to /etc/fstab, or
> (from what I gather from other users) create an rcS.d script to mount
> it.  Is it part of a seperate package outside of required base which I
> might have missed during dist-upgrade?

Somehow, i have both the script and the /etc/fstab entry, with no record
of where they came from. Ok, time to grep all the changelogs in /usr/doc
on my system... The glibc changelogs indicate it used to be in there,
but it's now supposedly in sysvinit. However, i can't seem to find it in
sysvinit either. Odd...

> Could someone explain why .dsc source files are provided as part of
> apt, if there *isn't* a bsd-style make.conf to pass on local
> optimisations etc?  I don't see the benefit of downloading source
> (which I prefer to do), if it's just going to compile it in exactly
> the same way as the binary .deb has been done - not allowing for local
> pgcc/-O6/malign stupidities :)  I also couldn't find a way to force it
> to use my custom CFLAGS etc.

i always thought the .dsc files had something to do with dpkg-source,
at least as used in the packaging system. Looking inside seems to
configm, since all it contains are packaging data, md5 sums, and
verivication signatures.

There are many benefits: you can make changes to the source (for
example, if the maintainer is slow in replying to bug reports for
whatever reason) and end up with a deb, you can compile with different
optimizations, you can compile against different libraries. On my system
right now, i have 4-7 packages compiled from source: 1 or 4 (depending
how you count it) to fix a dependancy problem while the maintainers
pursue a more ambitious solution, one to correct a misfeature (filed as
a wishlist bug...), one to fix a bug (being ignored?), and one to fix a
bug and add functionality that will hopefully be included in the next
version of the package.

As for the CFLAGS, sometimes you can set the environment variable before
starting the compilation, other times you'll just have to edit the
proper files in the source.

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  8 Jan 2000 - Old email addresses removed from key, new added

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