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Re: Netscape Communicator 4.7 dies silently.

	Subject: Netscape Communicator 4.7 dies silently.
	Date: Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 05:19:56PM -0500

In reply to:Todd Suess

Quoting Todd Suess(tsuess@tsuess.evcom.net):
>| Greetings all,
>| Anyone else noticed that at times Communicator will just die silently while
>| minimized, leaving no error messages, etc?  I usually have about 5 navigator
>| windows open to various sites and check and referesh them regularly
>| (I am using potato, XFree 3.3.5, and Kde 1.1.2), but sometimes I will pull up
>| my window list and all occurances of Communicator will be closed with no
>| errors showing.  Just curious if anyone else has seen this behaviour and if
>| there is any workaround/fix for it.  I checked memory to see if that might be an
>| issue and while physical memory was a little low I still had plenty of swap
>| space left.

Yes, just today, I had that happen 4 times.  I had also noticed that
everything seemed a bit slower then usual, and had been getting that
way for a few weeks now.  Keyboard repeats, changing consoles/or X
screens, etc., all slowed down.  As I hadn't rebooted for a few months 
I decided that I would try it just to see what would happen.

Keyboard and all the other slowdons are gone.  Netscape doesn't die.
Answer????  No indication of any problems in the logs so I don't know.
It just seems to be running better, now, after the reboot.

Slink, Kernel 2.2.13, 32 Meg Ram, 248 Meg swap, AMD K6-200.

User error: replace user and press any key to continue.

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