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NFS mounts fail silently

I'm trying to set up an NFS server to share my MP3 directory across
the network: both machines are running current potato and 2.2.13,
with nfs-common and nfs-server on each.

My exports file on letdown (the server) is:

/var/local/mp3	skinny(ro)

On skinny, doing mount letdown:/var/local/mp3/ /mnt appears to go
okay (no errors given) but /mnt is then totally empty:

[root@skinny /home/alisdair] # mount letdown:/var/local/mp3 /mnt
[root@skinny /home/alisdair] # ls -la /mnt
total 0

I've no idea what I'm doing wrong here. The HOWTO doesn't help for
this case. Should I be using the kernel nfsd instead? Is there a
Debian package for knfsd, and is it easy to install?

Thanks in advance,
alisdair mcdiarmid                             alisdair@wasters.org
[where are all the stupid people from, and how'd they get so dumb?]

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