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LPRng Printing Problem

I recently installed potato and am new to Linux.  I seem unable to print using LPRng and haven't found any helpful information in HOW-TOs, although I'm sure the info I need is there somewhere.  When I issue the "lpr file.ps" command, nothing happens, no errors, no output.

I have two parallel ports (in Windows they are LPT1 and LPT2).  My printer is connected to the second port (/dev/lp1?).

My printer is an HP720C (I know ...).  I have install pbm2ppa and can successfully run the following script to directly send a file to the printer:

#! /bin/sh
cat $1 | gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \
pbm2ppa - - >/dev/lp1

I have modified this script (as per the documentation for pbm2ppa) to use as a filter in the printcap file:

#! /bin/sh
gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \
pbm2ppa - -  |

This file is saved as: /usr/local/bin/printps.filter.  My printcap file reads:

lp|hpdj720|HP Deskjet 720c:\

The following is the output from "checkpc".  Everything looks fine to my novice eyes.  Any ideas on what I'm missing?

Thanks, Dave

------------ being output from checkpc --------------

LPRng version LPRng-3.6.12
Checking for configuration files '//etc/lpd.conf'
  found '//etc/lpd.conf', mod 0100644
Checking for printcap files '//etc/printcap'
  found '//etc/printcap', mod 0100644
Checking for lpd only printcap files '//etc/lpd_printcap'
 DaemonUID 1, DaemonGID 7
Using Config file '//etc/lpd.conf'
LPD lockfile '/var/run/lprng/lpd.printer'
 Checking directory: '/var/run/lprng'
   directory '/var'
   directory '/var/run'
   directory '/var/run/lprng'
  checking '/var/run/lprng/lpd.printer' file
Printcap Information
lp|hpdj720|HP Deskjet 720c
Checking printcap info
Checking printer 'lp'
 Checking directory: '/var/spool/lpd/hpdj720'
   directory '/var'
   directory '/var/spool'
   directory '/var/spool/lpd'
   directory '/var/spool/lpd/hpdj720'
  file 'control.lp', zero length file unchanged in 172 hours
  checking 'control.lp' file
  checking 'status.lp' file
  checking 'status' file
  cleaning 'status' file, 0 bytes long: no truncation
  checking '/var/log/lp-errs' file
  cleaning '/var/log/lp-errs' file, 0 bytes long: no truncation
  checking '/var/log/lp-acct' file
  cleaning '/var/log/lp-acct' file, 1 bytes long: no truncation
  'if' filter '/usr/local/bin/printps.filter'
    executable '/usr/local/bin/printps.filter'

*** Checking for client info ****

Printcap Information
lp|hpdj720|HP Deskjet 720c
Printer 'lp': lp@localhost

------------ end output from checkpc --------------

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