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Re: managing multiple ISPs

>>>>> "JH" == John Hasler <john@dhh.gt.org> writes:
    JH>  If you upgrade to pppconfig-2.0 and re-do your connections with
    JH> it you will be able to arrange to use the correct nameservers
    JH> for each ISP.

I upgraded pppconfig to the potato version and I noticed how it was able
to setup different nameservers for each ISP. Unfortunately for me, after
upgrading pppconfig and other ppp-related packages pon started to
segfault on me, so I just went back to the slink versions of these

In any event, I currently have no need to worry about multiple ISPs
anymore since I have switched over to a new ISP completely. But it was
useful to learn how to manage more than one ISP at a time. On a somewhat
related note, if replying (or CC'ing) directly to me by email please
note my new email address (>> ssahmed@pathcom.com <<) since
"ssahmed@interlog.com" will be terminated as of some time today.

Thanks to all the people who responded to this thread.

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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