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moving /var to another partition??


I'm setting up to upgrade my system to potato (while I sleep :) and know
that there's not enough room in /var/cache/apt/archives/.  I've got another
partition to work with and could either symlink that dir to the new
partition, or move /var over (it's on it's own part. now).

Question is... which is likely best?  Or should I go into mtab and mount the
new partition at /var/cache/apt/archives/ (if that's possible)?

And am I correst in thinking that a
   cp -aR /var/* /newpartition 
followed by mtab changes is correct for shifting partitions?  I seem to
recall this as the MO for such stuff.

Does apt go outside of /var/cache/apt/archives/ for unpacking?  I.e. could I
run into space problems elsewhere?  /tmp is on a partition with ~70 Mb free.


Kenward Vaughan

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