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Re: dependency problems

John Cuson <jcuson@labs.isdh.state.in.us> writes:
John> how does one resolve a dependency problem that results because
John> gnome-bin won't install because libgnome31 isn't installed, and
John> libgnome31 won't install because gnome-bin isn't installed?  can
John> someone offer me a hint here?

You can use APT to install both.  Or, if you're using dpkg directly,
try something long the lines of

dpkg --install libgnome31*.deb gnome-bin*.deb

(that is, put both filenames on the same command line).

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/
"Hey, Doug, do you mind if I push the Emergency Booth Self-Destruct Button?"
"Oh, sure, Dave, whatever...you _do_ know what that does, right?"

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