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Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

Christian Kurz wrote:
> Mark Brown <broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 28, 1999 at 08:36:38PM +1000, Peter Ludwig wrote:
> > > Now, I have a few problems with it.
> > > 1) No "IDE" for the compiler.
> > Try Emacs or XEmacs.  Don't be mislead by the fact that they call Emacs
> > an editor - it's far, far more than a mere editor.  It has support for
> > compilation and interactive debugging within an Emacs session, and has
> > hooks for using version control systems and syntax highlighting for most
> > programming languages you're likely to care about.
> Hm, but there are people, that don't want Emacs or XEmacs, because they
> prefer some other editor or vim. :-) We got xwpe as an IDE as
> Debian-Package and there's also an IDE called rhide[1], but it isn't a
> Debian-Package yet. Maybe someone creates one of it.

	Didn't rhide begin in the DOS world?  It would have to be heavily
modified to be usefull in the Unix world, wouldn't it?

Ed C.

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