Re: diald
Did you put the options on separate lines? That won't work. You need:
pppd-options noauth user talon wrote:
> Umm -- first off, I'm not subscribed to this list (-devel is enough for me
> to sort through for now) -- but it was suggested that I bring the problem
> I'm having with diald here. So if you reply to the mailing-list, please
> make sure I get a CC of the reply.
> I'll cover the ground I've covered (hrmm) here to bring you up to speed.
> installed diald (of course) -- edited /etc/diald/diald.options and
> /etc/diald/connect -- to be able to connect -- but upon connecting, I got
> these errors:
> peer refused to authenticate
> I took this to IRC, where it was suggested I add the following line to
> /etv/diald/diald.options:
> pppd-options noauth
> and try again -- which seemed to work -- authentication proceeded, but I
> came across the following (weird) errors now:
> sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="event-horizon" password=""]
> PAP authentication failed
> note: that is exact -- no editing password -- and event-horizon is my
> hostname.
> looking through the pppd scripts in /etc/ppp and /etc/ppp/peers and
> whatnot, I thought of adding "pppd-options user talon" to diald.options
> -- but when I did that, it went back to giving me the "peer refused to
> authenticate" error -- hrmm -- I wonder if I'd changed anything else.
> I'll work on it some more -- but if *ANYBODY* has had any luck setting
> this up, it'd be a TREMENDOUS help if you could send my any advice in
> configuring this.
> Thanks in advance :)
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe < /dev/null
Jens B. Jorgensen
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