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Re: How to mail a file?

Hi again,

The below responses to my initial question just left me with a few doubts:

-  Both commands, mail and mailx, seem to work pretty much the same way, are
there any differences?  and, will they send the files to the mailing queu

- How would I gzip and/or tar the file?  Would this process take place
before encoding?  (OTH tar'ing would be a way of sending several files at

- And digital signing and/or encrypting?

(the above two questions refer to "doing it all in one go", ie. just one line
of commands)

- should graphics files be treated as binaries, as far as
uuencoding/mimencoding is concerned?

- and finally, will the mpack command take care of queing the file for
mailing or is there a need to add a "| mail/mailx" command to the end of the

Thanks a lot.


I believe there's a command for e-mailing a file without having to use an
MTU, but directly from the command line.  mailx, smail,... any ideas?


For text files: 
  mail -s 'your subject' recipient < file.txt 

For binary files: 
  uuencode file.bin file.bin | mail -s 'your subject' recipient


This is the old unix way.  If you want everyone (including windows
users) to be able to decode the mail, you should use mime.  This can be
done with mpack:

mpack -s <subj> -d <description_file> <file> <address>

See man mpack, it comes in the mpack .deb package.  My question: is
there a way to send more than one file in a mail this way?


> there a way to send more than one file in a mail this way?
what about mutt?

mutt -a <file1> -a <file2> -a <file3> -s <subject> <recipient> < /dev/null

works fine :-)

Ciao, Hanno

If you want to send a textfile:

$ mailx -s "Subjecttext" your@email.address < FILENAME

If you want to send binary data you must convert it to text with uuencode
(or mmencode):

$ uuencode FILENAME < FILENAME | mailx -s "Subjecttext" your@email.address

greetings Carsten

Un saludo,


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