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Re: Setting up My Modem

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Larry McKenny wrote:

> I am unsure how to set up my modem under Debian.
> It is attached to COM 2 in DOS (WIN98 actually) and is a 56K V.90 and
> K56Flex dual-mode modem running on a P2 system. When installing, wvdial
> was unable to detect the modem, although it has run perfectly under Win.
> The modem is a Zoomtel Model 2919

 The most common cause of this is, unfortunately, incurable. Is the modem
a Winmodem? If it doesn't work when you're in DOS mode that's a good hint
that it's a Winmodem. If it has "minimum system requirements" on the box,
like "Pentium w/8MB or RAM", then it's certainly a Winmodem.

 You see, a lot of manufacturers cut costs by leaving out important
hardware on their modems. Basically they have a sound card that outputs to
a phone jack instead of a speaker cord. All the data compression and such
gets done by your CPU. They save something like 50% of the hardware cost
and only charge 10%-20% less for it. Then they rip you off again, because
while your CPU is busy doing the modem's job, it can't be doing other
things. If you're trying to play Unreal over a Winmodem, it's probably
going to fail.

 They also refuse to release the specs for such things, so no one can
write a Linux driver for them. They're Windows-only, hence the name.

 However, don't lose hope. It may not be a Winmodem. For example, if it's
a Plug-n-Play modem, you'll need to configure it in Linux to use it. Take
a look at the documentation for 'isapnptools'. If it's an external modem
then there's no way it's a Winmodem.

> I would appreciate any help I can get on this, and would especially
> appreciate very specific instructions; ie please consider me a complete
> Unix and Linux imbecile when giving any instructions.

 Okay, here's the first thing to do: confirm if you can access the modem
in Linux. Try the following command:

 echo ATDT1234567 > /dev/ttyS1

 If you hear the modem go off-hook and try dialing, then all is well and
wvdial has a problem.

Were you using /dev/modem by any chance? That's usually a symbolic link
("shortcut" in Windows terms) to the *real* modem device. If you don't
have it set up to point to the right device, this could cause wvdial's 
problem. Try "ls -l /dev/modem" and see what it says.

 Install the 'isapnptools' package and check out the docs. I haven't used
it so I'm afraid I can't give you advice on that, but ask on this list and
I'm sure someone will help you.

 Try booting into DOS mode and typing:

 echo ATDT1234567 > COM2

 If *that* works, it's *probably* not a Winmodem.

 Hope this helps... let me know how this stuff works.


 Ray Ingles          (248) 377-7735      ray.ingles@fanucrobotics.com

 "One man's 'magic' is another man's 'engineering'. 'Supernatural' is
                 a null word." - Robert Heinlein

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