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Some Questions

I have just recently decided to use Linux on one of my boxes and have access
to a T1 and a Zip Drive so I've just been downloading what I need a little
at a time. I have a question or two but would like for you to make the
following assumptions.

1. I am an idiot.
2. I know nothing about Linux or any operating system in the Unix family.
3. I am of course using Debian and would prefer to keep it that way for now,
I may consider an alternate later, but thats later.
4. I have the base operating system installed and it is working.

Now that we have established I am an idiot here are my questions.

1. Will a Zip Drive work with Debian Linux? When I attach it now the PC
refuses to do anything. No memory count, nothing. This may be a hardware
problem, but if you know something please let me know.

2. The CD-rom is this machine is a Chinon drive that uses a Jewel Case and
has a proprietary SCSI card. I have the DOS driver, but it is reported as
not working at boot.

3. I would like to install X next. But have no clue what files I need. I
have downloaded the entire X11 directory, but sine I have to install from
floppies I need to know which files I need first, and how to install them.

If anyone has the inclination to read this and give me a little assistance I
would be greatful, but please don't tell me to RTFM as I don't have one yet.




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